Project Details

High Load Backend Project
TAP (Topic Association Project) is an enterprise level backend project. The main purpose of this project is to ensure secure, reliable, hassle-free performance of a global news aggregator project. TAP operates in a high-performance, fail-safe, load-balanced environment and serves many purposes including:
- Collecting news articles from around the world in all available languages;
- Intelligent news tagging and classification;
- Image processing;
- Swift processing of user search requests;
- Delivering targeted results (news);
- Suggesting related content and news providers;
- Collecting and processing user statistics;
- Providing rapid communication channels for system components.
TAP is high load system with microservices architecture.

Used Technologies
C#, AWS DynamoDB for fast processing of big data, AWS SQS messaging for inter-service communication, AWS EC2 and AWS Elastic Load Balancer for resizable and secure computing in the cloud, AWS CloudSearch for fast searching big data, AWS ElastiCache for in-memory data storing in the cloud, AWS CodeDeploy and TeamCity for deployment and continuous integration, AWS S3 for localization and big diagnostic information storing.